Atlanta Nights
Here's a good book for you if you need some "interesting" reading material for your Spring Break or summer vacation:
Atlanta Nights
A group of published and unpublished SF authors got together earlier this year to target the myth that PublishAmerica was a "tradtional" publisher as they claimed. Lead by author James MacDonald, the group of writers concocted a full-length novel by each writing a chapter or two without collaborating with the other writers. All they got was a vague idea and guideline of what was to come. The now-famous chapter 34 was actually created by a text generator. The book was written under a pseudonym "Travis Tea.' That alone should have been a dead giveaway.
The reason for writing this novel is to perpetuate the myth that PublishAmerica was a real, discriminating publisher, that they adopted a true publishing process and would only publish the best of the bests. A book like Atlanta Nights would normally see the bottom of a slushpile or a shredder at a traditional publisher.
Lo and behold, the manuscript was quickly accepted by PA and Mr. Travis Tea was offered a contract. The writers' mission was accomplished. PA will accept and "publish" anything without even reading the manuscripts.
Writers beware. Stay away from Publish America. And if you want to see what kind of books Publish America is willing to publish, check out Altanta Nights.
Atlanta Nights
A group of published and unpublished SF authors got together earlier this year to target the myth that PublishAmerica was a "tradtional" publisher as they claimed. Lead by author James MacDonald, the group of writers concocted a full-length novel by each writing a chapter or two without collaborating with the other writers. All they got was a vague idea and guideline of what was to come. The now-famous chapter 34 was actually created by a text generator. The book was written under a pseudonym "Travis Tea.' That alone should have been a dead giveaway.
The reason for writing this novel is to perpetuate the myth that PublishAmerica was a real, discriminating publisher, that they adopted a true publishing process and would only publish the best of the bests. A book like Atlanta Nights would normally see the bottom of a slushpile or a shredder at a traditional publisher.
Lo and behold, the manuscript was quickly accepted by PA and Mr. Travis Tea was offered a contract. The writers' mission was accomplished. PA will accept and "publish" anything without even reading the manuscripts.
Writers beware. Stay away from Publish America. And if you want to see what kind of books Publish America is willing to publish, check out Altanta Nights.
"Auspicious Dreams" by me, Shelia Bolt Rudesill
And soon another one by my husband "Expatriate" by Bud Rudesill
check us out at www.moonstrucknovelists,com
I know there are many good authors who got stuck with PA. A few of them eventually found my publisher to publisher their subsequent books. Diana Higgut is one of them.