Two posts in a Year?

I just realized I've posted exactly five times since this time last year. What gives? I suppose the past year has been more troublesome to me than I truly realized. I got distracted. It's not like I had nothing to say; in fact I had plenty to say, but blogging was the last thing on my mind.
I hope to get better at this blogging thing this coming year as I once again focus more on my career and less on my personal life. The sad fact is, people come and go in our lives, and there's nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can control is -- well, the things we can control, such as our work, our efforts, our hopes and dreams. It's time to embrace a new phase of my life.


Still waiting for new posts. Hope everything's okay and that we can enjoy your writing again very soon.
Ray Wong said…
This has been an interesting year... Hopefully I will post more in the future, but most important, I'm just trying to keep myself going...
Unknown said…
I really like your movie reviews, Ray! keep up the good work.

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