
The other day a friend of mine asked me a question (well, actually two): "Are you happy? If you were to die this very moment, would you regret about your life?"

I thought for a second, and I told him: "I am content. Can I be happier? Probably, but right now I am content. And if I were to die this moment, I'd be happy to know that I've lived my life the way I did."

This might sound like a big pile of bull crap. But that were my answers, and I didn't lie. I wasn't trying to impress him. I said what my heart believed, and I meant it.

I think regret is a very dangerous and unhealthy thing. That and guilt. Totally useless. It's not to say I don't look forward to the future or try to improve. But I am content. I think I have lived a pretty good life and there's nothing I need to change.

And that's a pretty good feeling.


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