Day 100

Is it day 100 already?

Is the honeymoon over?

Should I have a state of the union address?

Oh, wait. I'm in the wrong blog.

But anyway, I've been sick and unmotivated so after a long week, I'm back. Still, today's been a really rough day. More excuses, for sure, and I hope to get some words out by the end of the day even if they are crap.

Not at all the "Day 100" celebratory post I was hoping for, but hey, I'm still doing this, and I'm looking forward to Day 200.


José Iriarte said…
I think you've got something to celebrate. You may not have reached your goal every day, but you've continued to have a goal. Some people set an ambitious goal, like you certainly did, fall behind, and give up altogether, pretending with chagrin that they never had that goal in the first place. You keep getting up and trying again, and you hold yourself accountable when you don't achieve your goal. Achieving a daily goal for a hundred days is damn hard, but even having a daily goal for a hundred days is more than most people do.

Congratulations on the milestone!

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